Thursday, July 8, 2010

I haven't melted yet!

But I have neglected this blog for a while now...just no time or energy to write. Especially no energy. The heat has been absolutely brutal and leaves me sleeping most of the day...which I hate, but alas.

Not too much has been going on, just the same old daily routine. Stormy has recently decided that he IS a good boy after all, and has been a pure joy to gallop. We make sure we start off with no other horses around us, he picks up a nice easy gallop on a loose rein, and I just have to close my fingers a bit if he gets tough and he comes right back to me. Then he pulls up like a gentleman and walks home on a loose rein. Quite a difference from the plunging, bucking horse from two weeks ago. Whatever made the change, I'm grateful for it.

Blue came out of his race in great shape and tugged me around today as we jogged a mile. No more jog days for him, he gets too antsy and just wants to run through the bridle..not easy to prevent on a seventeen hand monster with no mouth ;) I think with more time he's going to be a decent racehorse. He definitely has the heart.

Kazzie finally had a good day today. I try to keep the bit in her mouth the ENTIRE gallop (much to my arms' dismay) and keep steady contact on BOTH reins, keeping her head straight and focused on where she's going rather than on who is beside her. It worked really well today and she actually galloped like a racehorse, using her hind end and trying to focus. I was really proud of her...she has a lovely, powerful stride when she is actually trying. I was ready to hand her over to the freelance rider who will be taking S's place for the next week but now I think I'm going to stick with her and see how much better she can get.

Big weekend for the barn coming up. Lion runs tomorrow night in Indiana, and then Ella, Diva and Butters run at Ellis on Saturday. Hopefully we will have some good luck and get a win...or four. :) Jingles for all of the kiddos. God Bless!