Kazzie, that is. Between the heat and the tranq, she had a difficult time making it around the eeeennnntttiiiireeee racetrack. However, she still managed to throw in a few well-timed bucks and spooks, and also refused to walk home without the aid of a patient observer who led us over the horse-eating mats. She did start off really nicely today, which was encouraging...she stands until she simply can't stand anymore, and then she just wants to GO...but once I ask her to go, she decides she's fat and lazy and would rather stop and just go home. She wore me out today...managed to pull a hamstring on the pony earlier in the morning so by the time I got off of her...PHEW. She stood like an angel for her bath, though...and got to move over to the Big Kid barn today, which she seems to really like. She has a jolly ball and a hay net and, as of 7 p.m. had managed to keep her bandages on. This means I'm not going to get to rub her anymore but I definitely enjoyed the last few days. We'll see how she is on Monday, after her day off tomorrow...hopefully she'll remember what she's learned!
Orangeman continues to win me over...although he was a little naughty to gallop today (wanting to pull himself up) he is just such a sweet horse. We would have had an incident-free morning if not for Asmussen's white pony galloping pell-mell for us, which resulted in Orange freezing up and backing to the inside rail...and then snorting and sweating the entire way home...but we will work on his relaxation in the future. He is a joy to ride and to be around.
Ella ran her heart out tonight to finish 4th...she went to the lead today and showed a lot of heart and class and refused to give up.
Day off tomorrow..I will miss the kiddos but I could use the time to worship and also to ride my own horse. And then we'll be gearing up for a super busy week/weekend with at least one horse in almost EVERY day until Memorial Day. Should be fun!!
And to close, a couple of Kazzie pictures from today:
"Helloooo there! Hi! I'm Kaz! Can I give you kisses? Please?"

Doing what she does best, licking her feed tub completely clean:

God Bless!!
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